Download ALEPIZ

Software is distributed under various free software licenses. You can freely download and use the entire set of software used to operate ALEPIZ. The ALEPIZ system does not necessarily require any additional software for its operation. Additionally, the software can be used to expand the functions of ALEPIZ.

Get ALEPIZ installation package or archive

get_app Download the ALEPIZ installation package for Microsoft Windows.
In the window that appears, click on the "Download" button. The package is not signed by a certificate. Therefore, during installation, a warning will appear that the package was released by an unknown publisher. You can ignore the warning.
get_app Download the ALEPIZ 7z archive for Microsoft Windows
In the window that appears, click on the "Download" button

Download 7z archiver

Get ALEPIZ Source Code

get_app Get ALEPIZ Source Code

Get a QLASHA Voice Announcement System

get_app Download the executable Qlasha.exe for Microsoft Windows (in the window that appears, click the "Download" button)

Get Zabbix Agent to monitor servers and PCs

ALEPIZ can use Zabbix agent to get extended information about the status of servers and PCs. Zabbix Agent is released by Zabbix SIA. The version of the agent with which ALEPIZ was tested is 4.4.1. The Zabbix agent is distributed under the free software license GPL v2.0. You can get the Zabbix agent for various operating systems from the official Zabbix website at the link:

get_app Download Zabbix agent from Zabbix website