Directory size

Directory size used to calculate the size of directories.

Directory size description

Directory size is used to calculate the size of the given directories. You can set exceptions both in text form and in the form of a regular expression. To reduce the load on the system, after calculating the size of each file, the execution of the collector is suspended for a specified time.


  • Directory names (comma separated) - list of directories to calculate the size (comma separated). Spaces at the beginning and end of each directory name will be removed.
  • Excluded directories (comma separated) - list of directories and files to be excluded from counting the size (separated by commas). Leading and trailing spaces for each directory name will be removed.
  • Excluded directories in regExp format - directories and files for exclusion are written in regular expression format. If disabled, then these are the exact values.
  • Sleep periodically for reduce load (ms) - To reduce the load on the system, after calculating the size of each file, the collector is paused for the specified amount of time in milliseconds.
  • Maximum execution time after which a warning will appear in the log (ms) - Maximum lead time calculations, after which a warning will be added to the log file.
  • Do not output errors to the log file - do not output errors about files and directories processing to the log file. In some cases, the absence of a directory or file with which the collector works can be the norm and errors will clog the log files. In this case, it makes sense to disable error output.

Returned value

Directory size in bytes